83,5 x 83,5 cm: mixed media on wood panel. Photographed with black iron profile frame.
In this piece I've explored the compelling interplay between concealment and revelation using a discarded door leaf as canvas. I simply love working with materials that already carry their own history, their own silent stories.
This process specifically took direction with a layer of used paper towels, creating a landscape across the door's surface. These everyday materials, typically discarded without thought, became an integral part of the narrative. Through selective removal and the application of white paint, I engaged in a deliberate dance of hiding and discovering, letting certain elements emerge while others receded into the background.
The resulting composition reveals subtle variations in texture and tone; patches of green and rust peek through the dominant white surface, like memories refusing to be fully erased. This exploration of underlying layers speaks to our constant search for what lies beneath the surface, whether in art, architecture, or our own histories.