Hvorfor købe mine værker?

Køber du min kunst, køber du ikke bare et værk; du køber ind på fortællingen om at alting i sidste ende er til låns. Lidt som når du planter et træ, er det bedste tidspunkt at købe et af mine værker måske i virkeligheden passé. Det næstbedste tidspunkt er i dag 🤗

Abonnér Christian Estrup coverbillede
Christian Estrup profilbillede Christian Estrup

Practice positive selftalk

It can be a really good exercise to talk to yourself as you would to a good friend. In fact, it's crazy that we often talk to ourselves in ways we would never talk to a good friend. Not least when the world turns completely crazy there is every good reason to give yourself some love and kindness.

Practice positive selftalk

So, my dear, allow me to practice a little positive self-talk: Don't be so damn scared; neither for the moment, for betting it all, for being laughed at, being wrong, overestimating, missing the mark, or not living up to your potential.

Never be afraid to step up your game, to make a fool of yourself, to act like a clown, or to let go of what will never be yours anyway.

Be happy that you are a late bloomer because it forces you to stay curious, playful and sharp. Rejoice that you still live in hope every day, and have never let others convince you that you fit into any square boxes.

Never be afraid to scratch your ego, and never be afraid of what other people think, feel, think, write or say.

Instead, enjoy the ride.

Know that it's okay, buddy.

Enjoy the ride when things actually work out. Enjoy the ride when you succeed and fulfill one of your goals. Enjoy the ride, not least when you encounter resistance and get stuck. Enjoy the ride when you doubt your own abilities and realize that you have no control over anything at all.

No one does, really.

Enjoy it and be honest about it when you screw up. What the world needs is not more streamlining, speed and perfection.

What is evolution but scattershot shooting and disorganized trial and error?

Rejoice in the fact that you have never been able to make the wise(st) choices, but have always chosen the path of least resistance. Rejoice in the fact that you have never been able to find peace doing just one thing and even at this moment do not know what you will be doing ten years, five years, or even half a year from now. Rejoice in your stubborn insistence on keeping options open.

Be happy that you are a late bloomer because it forces you to stay curious, playful and sharp. Rejoice that you still live in hope every day, and have never let others convince you that you fit into any square boxes. Be happy that reality still occasionally surprises you in positive ways and be happy that you are surrounded by good people who actually want to help you out and help you move forward.

Rejoice that you live in a privileged time, and in an unimaginably privileged place, where peace and stability are a matter of course, and you get to live the good life.

Know that things are okay. Know that you are okay.